Edivo Wines on net.hr
Our underwater wine cellars were listed in a recent Croatian article about hedonism on Pelješac.
You may read the full story here
Good news for Croatian wine lovers and wine geeks residing in the USA. The Wine & More, Croatia’s leading wine webshop, has just unveiled a mighty new limp. Adding to their EU-wide shipping, The Wine & More has succeeded in making Croatian wines more accessible by introducing US home delivery. As a start, eight Croatian…
So, there’s this winery-bar in Croatia. Its owners are preparing a new experience for patrons, which will allow them to visit the wine cellar to pick their own bottle. The process will involve scuba gear. Reuters reports that the two Croatian bar owners first decided to store their wine in the Adriatic sea in 2009….
Padi Club Magaizne mentioned Edivo in their amazing article You may read the full story hear
I ‘m in the middle of a staring contest with the most serene bouncer I’ve ever encountered. Her stony gaze is cool, calm, composed. A miracle really, given that I’m clutching a bottle of wine in one hand, a bit of old rope in another and I’ve lost 50 per cent of my footwear. But…
Sure, walking among grapevines, admiring stacked oak barrels, and touring wine-making facilities is cool, but how about a scuba-diving tour to a wine cellar that’s at least 45 feet under the sea? You may read the full story hear
Navis Mysterium – уникатни амфори полни со вино потопени во Јадранското море Еди Бајурин од Дубровник прави уникатни сувенири – Navis Mysterium, амфора полна со вино. Бајурин ги потопува амфорите со шише вино во Јадранското море, кои потоа се претвораат во оригинален производ. Read more on the link: http://bi.mk/navis-mysterium-unikatni-amfori-polni-so-vino-potopeni-vo-jadranskoto-more/
Janjina 62, 20246 Janjina
Pelješac peninsula
Croatia – Hrvatska
Drače 18, 20246 Drače
Pelješac peninsula
Croatia – Hrvatska
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