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Klix magazin “Bili smo u sjajnoj vinariji koja nudi vina s dna mora”
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Wine yang bernama Mysterium tersimpan di dalam kendi tahan liat atau amphora di bar milik Ivo Segovic di Drace, Kroasia, 24 September 2018. Ivo Segovic bersama temannya Edi Bajurin memiliki cara unik untuk menciptakan rasa wine yang khas dengan menyimpan botol wine di dasar laut selama 700 hari atau 3 tahun lebih dengan suhu stabil…
Ivo Segovic, a wine producer on the Peljesac peninsula in southern Croatia, and his partner Edi Bajurin placed their first bottles of red wine 20 meters below the sea surface in 2009 to see what would happen. From next year they plan to offer guests the chance to dive alongside winery staff to select a…
Najdražje hrvaško vino, ki je dve leti ležalo na dnu morja, želijo piti v ZDA, v Hongkongu in na Češkem. Liter stane nekaj manj kot 2000 kun (260 evrov). Link to the story: http://cekin.si/clanek/koristno/najdrazje-hrvasko-vino.html
Edivo Wines In Restaurant Track 75 You may read the full story hear
The Croatian wine producers of Navis Mysterium wine had only one worry, and it is not price but the delivery of 500 amphoras of wines from Dubrovnik to the USA. The story of the amphora wine starts with the friendship of two local wine and sea lovers. They incorporated all that they love most and…
Read the whole story on the link: https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/lifestyle/20180928110536-34-35168/ini-mysterium-anggur-yang-tersimpan-10-tahun-di-bawah-laut
Janjina 62, 20246 Janjina
Pelješac peninsula
Croatia – Hrvatska
Drače 18, 20246 Drače
Pelješac peninsula
Croatia – Hrvatska
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