News & Stories
ENGOO.COM / Croatian Winery Offers Undersea Cellar Tours
Croatian Winery Offers Undersea Cellar Tours It’s not unusual when visiting a European winery to take a tour of the wine cellar before tasting some
VOGUE ADRIA / Underwater Wine Cellars
Sommelier Monika Neral takes us below the surface of the sea, through underwater wineries and to the depths that reveal new wine potentials If you
National Geographic/ Travel Article
A Land of Stories (about Edivo pages 98-100) You may read the full story hear
My wine life will never be the same from now on
Robert Makowicz about Edivo Winery. You may read the full story hear
Luxury Living Croatia
Croatia’s first underwater winery edivo. You may read the full story hear
Quirky Croatia
Padi Club Magaizne mentioned Edivo in their amazing article You may read the full story hear
“Brodska tajna” skrivena u amfore
Klix magazin “Bili smo u sjajnoj vinariji koja nudi vina s dna mora” You may read the full story hear
Croatia: A Kingdom of Salt and Sea
Check in this video about Edivo Winery You may read the full story hear
THE TRAVEL DETECTIVE Hidden Gems of Dubrovnik
Peter reveals the hidden gems of Dubrovnik. Plus, Edivo Winery (from 13-16min). You may read the full story hear
Dubrovnik Eats
Edivo Wines on the list of top “save havens for foodies for country experience” in Croatia. You may read the full story hear
Belgium loves Edivo
Edivo Wines In Restaurant Track 75 You may read the full story hear
Wine tour on Pelješac: one peninsula, three wineries and three completely different stories
If you are looking for a truly unusual bottle of wine, this is the address that must be found on your itinerary. This winery is
The Epoch Times
Winemakers Age Bottles of Red Below Adriatic Sea for 700 Days for ‘Flavor of the Ocean’ You may read the full story hear
One of top 10 things to do in Dubrovnik is: Visiting Edivo Winery
Ultimate Dubrovnik travel guide for 2021 – blog in which Lauren Tickner shows 10 things to do in Dubrovnik.
Dive for Wine: Croatia’s Underwater Winery
Are you a wine lover and adventure enthusiast? You may read the full story hear
Edivo Underwater Winery In Dubrovnik And Drače, Croatia
Edivo offers wine tastings of excellent wine while getting familiar with the production process of our undersea wine Navis Mysterium. Edivo Wine Bar is situated
Croatia’s Ultimate Wine Tour Is 15 Meters Under The Sea
Sure, walking among grapevines, admiring stacked oak barrels, and touring wine-making facilities is cool, but how about a scuba-diving tour to a wine cellar that’s
Two gold medals for Edivo wines
2009 a unique wine story was created on Pelješac, which continues to this day. It was created and started by Ivo Šegović and Edi Bajurin under
The ultimate wine tour is in Croatia, 20 metres under the sea
The Dalmation Coast in Croatia is known for its stunning scenery, beautiful beaches and pristine seas. But did you know it’s also home to the
Edivo Wines on IWC
Our underwater wine cellars were listed in a recent article at the International Wine Challenge website!You may read the full story here
Edivo Wines on
Our underwater wine cellars were listed in a recent Croatian article about hedonism on Pelješac.You may read the full story here
Edivo Wines on
Our underwater wine cellars were listen as one of the most interesting wineyards in Europe in a recent Czech article.You may read the full story here
Edivo Wines on Forbes
Our underwater wine cellars were featured in a recent Forbes article.You may read the full story here
WATCH: Edivo wines on Niijiro_Jean
Edivo wines was featured on a Japanese TV show in March – check out the video below
Os mistérios dos vinhos submersos
O fundo do mar tem muitos mistérios, inclusive no envelhecimento das garrafas de vinho. No começo deste século, mergulhadores começaram a trazer para a superfície
The Underwater Winery of Croatia
An underwater winery in Croatia gives a whole new meaning to the term “dive bar”. Many of us have dived in strange environments, from the
This underwater winery in Croatia deposits wine bottles in the Adriatic sea for two years
‘I love my wine so much, ill dive into the deep, very deep, blue sea for it’ is a statement that does not impress anyone
Pieces of Eight
I ‘m in the middle of a staring contest with the most serene bouncer I’ve ever encountered. Her stony gaze is cool, calm, composed. A
This Underwater Winery Needs To Be Your NEXT Stop
When you undertake your diving experiences, you are not really prepared to explore a winery. However, in Croatia, if you want to do so, head
Edivo underwater winery
Visit the Edivo Underwater Winery in Croatia (there are 3 locations). For adventurous wine and sea lovers we offer a unique experience of visiting one
Kelembutan di Balik Wine Bawah Laut Kroasia
Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Tak seperti yang lain, minuman anggur alias wine bakal semakin nikmat kala disimpan dalam waktu lama. Kian lama, kian nikmat. Kira-kira
Mengunjungi tempat penyimpanan wine di dasar laut Kroasia
Mengunjungi tempat penyimpanan wine di dasar laut Kroasia. Ivo dan rekannya memiliki cara unik untuk menciptakan cita rasa khas pada wine buatannya, yaitu dengan menyimpannya
Ini Mysterium, Anggur yang Tersimpan 10 Tahun di Bawah Laut
Read the whole story on the link:
Want that fancy bottle of wine? Grab your wetsuit
So, there’s this winery-bar in Croatia. Its owners are preparing a new experience for patrons, which will allow them to visit the wine cellar to
Menyambangi Tempat Penyimpanan Wine di Dasar Laut Kroasia
Wine yang bernama Mysterium tersimpan di dalam kendi tahan liat atau amphora di bar milik Ivo Segovic di Drace, Kroasia, 24 September 2018. Ivo Segovic
Sea Treasure
Ivo Segovic inspects wine in amphora at the bottom of the sea near Zuljana, Croatia.Read the whole story on the link:
Wet your whistle: a Croatian wine worth diving for
Ivo Segovic, a wine producer on the Peljesac peninsula in southern Croatia, and his partner Edi Bajurin placed their first bottles of red wine 20
WATCH: These wines are stored at the bottom of the ocean
An experiment by two Croatian bar owners who decided to store their wine beneath the waves of the Adriatic Sea is set to go interactive
Melihat Gudang Wine di Dasar Laut Kroasia
Ivo Segovic memeriksa botol tanah liat berisi wine di dasar laut dekat Zuljana, Kroasia, Selasa, 25 September 2018. Pemilik bar di wilayah Drace, Kroasia, Ivo
Underwater wine
The Croatian vintner Ivo Šegović stores his wine at the bottom of the Adriatic Sea instead of in cellars. The bottles are placed in amphorae
Dive into Croatia’s most unusual winery
Find one of the world’s most interesting red wines, submerged off the coast of Dubrovnik. Make it happen: book a winery tour through and a
This new underwater winery lets you dive for your drinks
Croatia won’t stop giving you reasons to visit. Gorgeous coasts, Instagram-worthy views, Game of Thrones connections, enticing dining… we get it, Croatia. You’re coming on
Croatian Wines in the USA
Good news for Croatian wine lovers and wine geeks residing in the USA. The Wine & More, Croatia’s leading wine webshop, has just unveiled a
Dive for your vino at this underwater winery
Edivo Vina is a winery on the Pelješac Peninsula in Croatia that ages its wine in an underwater cellar. Patrons also have the option to
Na lokaciji gdje se obavljaju ronjenja ispred luksuznog hotela Dubrovnik Palace upravo je postavljena prva dubrovačka podvodna vinarija. Tako će gosti ronioci, uz posebnosti hridi
The most expensive Croatian wine was stored under the sea for more than two years
The Croatian wine producers of Navis Mysterium wine had only one worry, and it is not price but the delivery of 500 amphoras of wines
Amphora wine: an irresistible and unique Croatian product
Pelješac is famous for top quality wines, and at the same time in its surrounding sea there are numerous amphora sites. All this is combined
This unique Croatian product comes from Dubrovnik, and is much in demand in Hong Kong and America
Navis Mysterium is a sea secret. And the secret is everything, from the process of making wine to the rest. It’s an original product that
Beauty from the sea: Navis Mysterium wine
Have you heard about Navis Mysterium, amphora wine, a unique Croatian souvenir, beauty from the sea? Portal wrote the story of this idea and
Stories of Wine: the story of Navis Mysterium, of tradition and maritime history
The magazine ‘Stories of Wine’ wrote an inspiring piece about Ivo Šegović, one of the owners of Edivo Wines, as a story about Navis Mysterium
Underwater wine Navis Mysterium in a charity auction at Novi Sad
The auction “More than wine 2016” („Više od vina 2016”) gathered reputable winemakers from the region. Edivo wines were one of the participants, and Navis
Najdražje hrvaško vino je dve leti ležalo na morskem dnu
Najdražje hrvaško vino, ki je dve leti ležalo na dnu morja, želijo piti v ZDA, v Hongkongu in na Češkem. Liter stane nekaj manj kot
The story of the underwater wine – Navis Mysterium
Navis Mysterium – уникатни амфори полни со вино потопени во Јадранското море Еди Бајурин од Дубровник прави уникатни сувенири – Navis Mysterium, амфора полна со
National Chinese television (CCTV) documentary about Navis Mysterium
National Chinese Television visited Edivo and made a documentary film about Navis Mysterium, Pelješac wine and the first underwater winery. Thank you CCTV! We are
Croatia gets its first underwater winery
At the VinePair you can read how we found the perfect place in the sea for our wine. Why it is so important and what
Croatia’s First Underwater Winery Is Open to Visitors
Croatia is one of the countries where people drink the most wine in the world, so if you are coming to Croatia you should definitely
Croatia now has an underwater winery — and it’s as dreamy as it sounds
Croatia is now home to an underwater winery. The story of Edivo wine, its beginnings and where it can be found. They describe what you
Croatia has its first underwater winery and it’s open to visitors
Lonely planet has written about the first underwater winery in Croatia. The story of our beginnings, how we strongly believe in success and how we
This Underwater Winery Has Us Planning a Trip to Croatia
If you don’t already have enough reasons to visit Croatia, Travel and leisure gives you the best choice, visit Pelješac winery, Edivo. It’s a story